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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best Mid-Range Skate?

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I am thinking about possibly buying a new pair of skates and i'm looking to spend roughly ~$250 USD. So far, the two sets of skates that I have in mind are the RBK 5k pumps and the Nike Flexlite 10's.

What would you guys recommend within this price range? Feel free to suggest any other skates too. I'm open to suggestions.

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I was about to tell you Flexlite10 when a read your topic... so yea I made a review of the flexlite10. awsome skate if you can get used to the higher cut boot

For me, i couldn't get used to...so i had to switch back to my 852 tack!

Also their a slae on hockeymonkey, 339 for 8k...maybe you should spend 100 more and buy the high end...

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I am thinking about possibly buying a new pair of skates and i'm looking to spend roughly ~$250 USD. So far, the two sets of skates that I have in mind are the RBK 5k pumps and the Nike Flexlite 10's.

What would you guys recommend within this price range? Feel free to suggest any other skates too. I'm open to suggestions.

Buy some former top of the lines on closeout. Tons of places have models that are being replaced or that were king 2 years ago and selling them on the cheap.

One skate I was VERY tempted to try was the Bauer 8090. Top notch skate so far as I can tell, and fits like a CCM (wider toe box and more comfortable arch support for my foot type at least). HockeyGiant is selling them for $229 (and since it's free shipping for anything over a certain amount, that they skates qualify for, it'd be a straight up cost for $229).

The 8090's are super lite (lighter than an XX), and super stiff boot (which may, or may not be your bag - but at least offer great protection against low flying objects).

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With every skate I enjoy my 8090's more.....I've got about about 7.5 hours on them now....the right boot is completely broken in and feels great.....still some pressure points on the left boot (foot is bigger) but damn near close.....I did not bake these things either. The performance is great, they are very light and extremely stiff. I leave the top eyelet unlaced which gives me more freedom of movement without sacrificing the lateral support. Highly recommended!

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What ever you do dont get the vector 6.0 skates. I had those and the tongue fell out and it hurts to block shots with them. Also the graphics started to fall off. It seemed everything was wrong with those skates!

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For skates that are normally $250-ish, I like the S400. The 8090s are a great deal though, just make sure you get something that is going to fit you properly.

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What ever you do dont get the vector 6.0 skates. I had those and the tongue fell out and it hurts to block shots with them. Also the graphics started to fall off. It seemed everything was wrong with those skates!

you might have just gotten a dud. check if you still have the warrantee on them. I know a guy who has vector 6.0's and he loves them, they also have held up for him for more than a year and a half. give them a try, they're nice skates.

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What ever you do dont get the vector 6.0 skates. I had those and the tongue fell out and it hurts to block shots with them. Also the graphics started to fall off. It seemed everything was wrong with those skates!

you might have just gotten a dud. check if you still have the warrantee on them. I know a guy who has vector 6.0's and he loves them, they also have held up for him for more than a year and a half. give them a try, they're nice skates.

uh hun, vector 6's are awesome.

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I couldn,t get used to the F10...and the vapor line was pretty for small feet so i never really been in the Bauer line

But do the Supreme line 7000 and 8090 have the same cut boot as a Flexlite(nike) or it is normal-low like CCM Tacks!?


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I just got a pair of the vapor xx for 399 canadian and they are the best skates i have ever worn: durable, light, and when u block shots you dont feel it, and also the tounge has a plastic strip in it so when u get slashed you wont feel it. Not a bad price for such a nice skate.

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When the F1's were at $280, Graf's VP intimated to me that they were underpriced. Since they are now at the closeout price of $150, I can't imagine too many skates offering anywhere near the comfort and durability.

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I couldn,t get used to the F10...and the vapor line was pretty for small feet so i never really been in the Bauer line

But do the Supreme line 7000 and 8090 have the same cut boot as a Flexlite(nike) or it is normal-low like CCM Tacks!?


i don't think Tacks have a low cut boot :blink: in anycase, the 7000 and 8090's are anything but low cut. i'd say they're actually high cut boots.

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well if Tack are high cut... Flexlite are extreme high cut! lol no seriously, tacks are maybe not low but they are medium...

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well if Tack are high cut... Flexlite are extreme high cut! lol no seriously, tacks are maybe not low but they are medium...

yea, nike skates are pretty high cut. i'm pretty sure the 8090 is higher cut than the 7000. the 7000 seems to be cut similarly to tacks

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Nice... you don't get too many Spinal Tap issues these days.... :lol:

I think MSH has more "Tap" references than any other website.

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