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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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socring slump

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My opinnion , just try changing the tape on your stick , strip it down to the bare stick , and redo the whole thing, this is your weapon , treat it like one !

Good luck, believe in yourself and your abilities !

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Just dont think about it. At the beginning of the year I was ripping it up with 11 goals, 4 assists in about 8 games. The next 15 games or so I didn't get a point. I was just putting too much pressure on myself and was thinking about it too much. I realized what I was doing to myself, calmed down, and I'm back on a hot streak with atleast 1 point in my last 4 games.

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An assist is as good as a goal IMO

Its the same on the stat sheet but unless your Josef Stumpel you want to burry one once in a while.

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I was in a 2 game scoring slump and the goal that ended it was rejected by the refs so it sorta didnt count. But im back into a slump so im alittle bummed as well

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I was on a scoring slump at the start of the season, scored one goal, then guess what came?, another slump, right up until this past weekend, in a tournament, I scored a hat-trick in one game and two games later I got another one, I'm a D-Man so I'm not too big on scoring.

5 goals, I'd like to have more :P

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probably because that is all your focusing on. don't even try to score, just keep your feet moving and stay in good position and you'll come out of it.

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Nice to get on the sheet again last night. I've been playing well and on defense you're not always going to have stats, even if you play well. Breaking out for 2 and 2 feels damn good though.

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