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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lace Problem !

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Hey guys, i havent posted in a while since the season has started, i havent really had alot of free time. but i was wondering what i can do about my skates. i tie them tight every before every game, but then like 15-20 minutes into the game, or practice, they feel like they're getting really loose. i used waxed laces and i just cant think of anything else to do that would fix this.

any help is appreciated

thanks, Caleb

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try "backlacing". When you lace your skates feed the tips from the outside to the inside, it really helps keep them from slipping.

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Try putting your skates on 10-15 minutes before going on the ice and walk around in them a little bit. The laces will slip a little bit and they will be equally tight throughout the skate, then before going on the ice tighten them up a bit, so you don't have to re-tie them during your game/practice.

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Chadd is dead on. I had the same issue a year ago, and thanks to MSH, I found the solution...Backlacing.

Haven't had any problems since.

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