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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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All Torhs Team

Extremely funny stories

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He just walked out of the house, got in the car, drove off. Yes he lives about 30 mins away from our home rink.

He never lived it down the rest of that year. 'Jonathon remember your gear?' Even this year again he gets it a bit.

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Thats not that funny, this ones better then that, but still not to funny.

My coach was really mad cause of our lose, in the locker room he decides to kick a bag as hard as he can to express his anger, he hits the goalies helmet that was in the bag, and the coach broke I guess two toes, I didnt know you can break toes, but he did. He shouldnt have been so violent <_< :lol:

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Last year we had a crazy coach. He was trying to get us pumped before the game. One of my team mates attempted to spit in the trash can which was right in front of our coach. It went over the trash can and landed on his leg. He was like "This is how much I want to win this game." He picks the loogie off of his pants and puts it into his mouth. It was disturbing

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Last year we had a crazy coach. He was trying to get us pumped before the game. One of my team mates attempted to spit in the trash can which was right in front of our coach. It went over the trash can and landed on his leg. He was like "This is how much I want to win this game." He picks the loogie off of his pants and puts it into his mouth. It was disturbing

That's some f**ked up stuff...

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Last year we had a crazy coach. He was trying to get us pumped before the game. One of my team mates attempted to spit in the trash can which was right in front of our coach. It went over the trash can and landed on his leg. He was like "This is how much I want to win this game." He picks the loogie off of his pants and puts it into his mouth. It was disturbing

Erm....... Filth lol! :blink:

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Last year we had a crazy coach. He was trying to get us pumped before the game. One of my team mates attempted to spit in the trash can which was right in front of our coach. It went over the trash can and landed on his leg. He was like "This is how much I want to win this game." He picks the loogie off of his pants and puts it into his mouth. It was disturbing

You can't be serious!! :o There are many other ways to show how bad you want to win other than eating somebodys elses mucus. Thats sick ;)

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its still funny as hell

a few years ago my coach was pumping us up in playoffs and saying how we should always have short shifts and well have more gas at the end of the game. well ,as he said that i farted and you guys know how loud and violent farts are when your sitting on a wood bench with thick hockey pants on.

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Well,two years ago.We lost a game and the coach was extremely mad.He had the waterbottle carrier with the water bottles and about 20 pucks,and he threw them at the wall.The pucks ended up hitting about half the team and alot of kids clothes were soaked.

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My buddy weighed around 225. If he was about to collide with someone at the last second, he wouldn't try to get out of the way, because he liked contact.

One time he collided with another player at center ice, and the other player's helmet went flying off. (Someone happened to tape the game and we saw that the helmet went at least fifteen to twenty feet away.) The other guy was so pissed he started chasing after my friend, who didn't even realize he was being chased because the hit was accidental and he didn't wear glasses or contacts on the ice.

The best part is the other player got two-minutes for skating around without a helmet. :lol:

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