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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Forward Pitch

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I had a forward pitch put on my Bauers with TUUK Custom +'s over the weekend and noticed my lower back was very sore during & after my first skate with the new profile. Is this normal? It's never happened before.

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Maybe you were bending more at your back and not your knees to make up for the forward pitch. A couple of years ago when I had trouble with knee bend my coach told my to bend at my ankles, that caused me to bend my knees more instead of bending my back when I thought I was bending my knees.

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I had a forward pitch put on my Bauers with TUUK Custom +'s over the weekend and noticed my lower back was very sore during & after my first skate with the new profile. Is this normal? It's never happened before.

Yes, some pain is normal, either back or legs. Should go away after a couple of skates, until your body adjusts. Two critical factors; how long have you been skating on a neutral, and degree of pitch you changed to.

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I skated on Graf 704's for three seasone prior to this one. I told the guys at the shop I wanted the same feel as those. I'm not sure of the measurements they used but they did use some sort of special equipment and marked the blade with a sharpie in what looks to be the center of the boot.

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What's the degree of picth on the graf.

Boots will vary from one to another and when they are broken in they will be different from when they were new.

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What's the degree of picth on the graf.

You cant go by the so-called stock settings, they are NEVER accurate. While the boot may have a certain pitch, it can be totally reversed by bad steel. 80% of all skate pairs are mismatched. No reason even to ask what they are. You have to have a radius properly done, then adjust from there, establish a known setting. Stock radius are ALL over the place. I recently repaired a pair of graf steel that was so far off from norm it was unbelieveable. I actually had to shave the top of the blade to match it in height. Manufacturers have zero quality control. If you are serious about your game you have to find a sharpener/profiling specialist who knows what they are doing. It's NOT a one-time process.

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Manufacturers have zero quality control. If you are serious about your game you have to find a sharpener/profiling specialist who knows what they are doing. It's NOT a one-time process.

Yeah , I know...

Thasnks Jimmy and chadd...

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