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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Got my 9ks today

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few stupid question...if ur skates happen to get hit by a hard slapper and hits rite at ur pump thingy or the ankle, will it actually destroy the pump button and u wont be able to pump it anymore? or maybe causes a leak in the ankle air pocket? and how is this RBK 9K compared to PRO TACKS '05??

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Just weighted the 9K in size 8D. They're 862g... Just about the same weight of the 8K. As I thought, they're not fighting for the lightest skate with 100g over the lightest skates out there.

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The exhale valve/vent button what ever you want to call it on my 8kPumps (roller) died by slapshot causes, after 1½months. Prefer a boot that can't puncture over a ballon anyday. ("then why did you get them?" <- R&D sample)

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so if the pump thingy dies then will it be able to use the skates wit out pumping it? does it have any ankle pad there?

yes, same question here. cause when I tried the skate, the padding at ankle feels like an air bag to me.

also, any more review from other 5k / 9k users?


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Yes you can play without the Pump, I've done so since September. But it's not preferable, and I've stopped useing the (working)pump on the good skate to even the feeling out. Feel's like your wearing skates a width too big. (e.g. E instead of D)

I.E. if you for some reason can't get the skates replaced, and only play REC, I wouldn't trow them out if the Pump malfunctions. But for competitive play I would, that's why I have 10k's (inline) on the way...

Hope the info helps.

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because i ordered a pair of PRO TACKS '05 from the net and its out of stock...so i plan to cancel it and wait till next year...i though of gettin the RBK9K pump but worry bout the pump thingy...does the skates have the normal ankle pad like the pro tacks and juz an air pocket over it or the whole ankle pad is the air pocket?? making it simple,does the RBK 9K pump skates feel like a normal skates when wearing it witout using the pump system?or feels loose at the ankle?

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jino86 Posted on Dec 21 2005, 11:55 AM

  because i ordered a pair of PRO TACKS '05 from the net and its out of stock...so i plan to cancel it and wait till next year...i though of gettin the RBK9K pump but worry bout the pump thingy...does the skates have the normal ankle pad like the pro tacks and juz an air pocket over it or the whole ankle pad is the air pocket?? making it simple,does the RBK 9K pump skates feel like a normal skates when wearing it witout using the pump system?or feels loose at the ankle?

I checked out yesterday if there was any padding, and if all the air is out of the skate, there is no foam whatsoever. On the outside anklebone support area, you can even feel the pump system that's not of an even surface. As some people said, if the Pump stops working, your ankles will feel loose in the skate.

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kin1013 Posted on Dec 21 2005, 11:17 AM

  what is the 10K? does it comes with pump or it's without pump roller? want to know more.. (sorry for off topic) 

LOL I din't even think about that, I meant the Mission 10000's (10k acronym to avoid all those zero's) :lol:

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The pump bag last decades. It is not fragile. I wouldn't worry about it. I have many customers with the 1992 pump ccms that still work great. Plus, air bag technology has improved big time. A shot to the skate is NOT going to ruin the air bag, or the valves.

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