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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I would spend the money and get newer stuff...It comes together already, and by the time you get everything attached, buying something already together ends up being cheaper than trying to put something together..Plus you get newer technology.

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Or look around and try to get a skate model thats a year or 2 old. JR hooked me up with a pair of Mission Pure Flys for $50.

Thats what I would have ended up spending just to get new steel for my old skates.

It also works with older protective equipment.

Good Luck!

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JR - always hooking up the women...haha

actually you can find things like Bauer 4000's for $79 and keep an eye out for tent sales, etc...I picked up 2 pairs of Pro Tacks for $50 each

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Those Missions and Nikes are crappy old roller boots. And as far as Tacks.....

Boots have changed a lot since Chelios got his last pair of skates in 1992.....and at $100, those old frameless 655s are a total rip-off. Shit, CCM has used 3 different heel stabilizing wedges since then! HockeyMonkey has a bunch of 2-3 year old CCM skates for much better deals:


02 652s for $80 or 03 652s for $100 would be perfect if you're just starting ice. They're not too stiff and plenty of good players still skate on them. Better still, for $130 you can get 04 852s which are really nice skates. I don't mean to say you have to get Tacks but because CCM made as many as 10 models a year and tweaked each a tiny bit each year, there are tons of great deals out there on slightly old ones.

That's my advice. You can easily get great stuff only one or two years old for less than half of its original MSRP if you look around a bit. Just make sure it fits! Don't be too cheap to spend the $10 to send skates back if you order them and the fit isn't perfectly tight!


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