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hockey and basketball...

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well first off i play midget A (its like a league for 15 year olds) and im on the ice like 5-6 times a week. im 15 and i made the varsity basketball team. now im the only gr.10 on this team. I consider myself better at ball then hockey and ive only played basketball for 2 years.

my coach says im a natural and i should consider focusing on it and maybe even quitting hockey to take up basketball because it could take me to college or university.

now what are your views on this issue guys. i mean i love hockey and ive played for a long time. im good at that too but i just dont wanna blow something i could have by making the wrong choice.

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Whats funner, where do you have more friends? and also, is hockey a school sport where you are, If basket ball was the only school sport your in , Id consider giving it a little more thought.

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well first off i play midget A (its like a league for 15 year olds) and im on the ice like 5-6 times a week. im 15 and i made the varsity basketball team. now im the only gr.10 on this team. I consider myself better at ball then hockey and ive only played basketball for 2 years.

my coach says im a natural and i should consider focusing on it and maybe even quitting hockey to take up basketball because it could take me to college or university.

now what are your views on this issue guys. i mean i love hockey and ive played for a long time. im good at that too but i just dont wanna blow something i could have by making the wrong choice.

What do you like most, basket or hockey. That would be as simple as it for me. But I understand everyone is not the same. Good luck with it.

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Go with what can take you somewhere unless you just absolutely hate it. Hopefully you like it a lot, but even so it can lead to other opportunities the other sport may not.

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If you truly think that hoops can take you to college gratis, then go for it...you can always pick up hockey again at a later point in your life, and as long as you enjoy ball, then missing hockey shouldn't be a huge problem...

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Are you really THAT short on time. I would think that you could still play hockey, or basket ball, focusing on one and still playing like house leauge for the other sport that was not choosen to be focused on.

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Depending on the level, just one sport can eat up most of your time. Doesn't help that basketball and hockey run in the same season either.

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it's really up to you but im pretty sure that posting it on a hockey site you'd probably get a more bi-ist opinion towards hockey! but its really a desicion to make on your own but I would choose hockey but then again you would probably win over the ladies if your on your school varsity team! :D

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Dude! you said your coach told you that you are a "natural" for playing only 2 years? Well, if you believe on what he said and believe you can do it without any hesitation and that's where your heart is... then go for basketball.

But if you can't sleep... fu** it! Id go for hockey.

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it wouldn't be a bad idea to take a year off of hockey and see were that takes you. Your still young so it wouldn't be a big deal at all. I say play basketball

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i would say talk to your parents..they have put 1000's of dollars into hockey and all..and about basketball talk to someone who really knows the sport..basketball is a tought call if your not 6'7 soo it up to you and your parents

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well thanks guys ive talked to my parents and they said just keep doing what you enjoy. so ill do both.

and shagel im 6'4 and im only 15. lol

thanks guys

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