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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Authentic vs replica jerseys

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Could someone inform me on what are the main specs that are different between authentic NHL RBK jerseys and the CCM replicas. I just got my Canadiens jersey replica with pro stitch Kovalev today and was wondering what I was missing by not getting the real deal! Still cossed me over 200 can! :blink:

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An authentic jersey is cut for pads while the replicas really aren't imo. Seriously, put on a pro jersey in full gear and then try on a replica of same said jersey and just note the drastic improvement in arm mobility even in the same sizes. I also think the materials are sometimes higher-grade, though this varies given the jersey.

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Also, the mesh is heavier weight on the pro, the logos are larger, more detailed, and stitched on (which is not nesc the case in the replica). Pro also have the fight strap stiched in (not that this makes a difference). Pros come in varying sizes (52, 53, 54) and the replicas pretty much come in standardized sizes (sm, med, lg, xlg).

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Another notable difference between an authentic and replica jersey is that the authentic jersey has a fight strap.

Nevermind, the previous poster just beat me to it.

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Also, on pro jerseys every seam is cover stitched and on replica jerseys only select seams are cover stitched.

Also, a Canadiens pro jersey is made of double knit polyester and replica jerseys are air knit.

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