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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jason Harris

Length vs lie?

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I'm putting an Ergo Grip into the Evolution tonight, which has a Drury curve, yet I'm used to the Modano. Since it obviously changes the angle of the shaft into one's hands, I was curious whether anyone found they prefer different length sticks depending on the lie.


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I'm putting an Ergo Grip into the Evolution tonight, which has a Drury curve, yet I'm used to the Modano. Since it obviously changes the angle of the shaft into one's hands, I was curious whether anyone found they prefer different length sticks depending on the lie.


1/2" shorter for me going from 5 to 5.5

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I'm putting an Ergo Grip into the Evolution tonight, which has a Drury curve, yet I'm used to the Modano. Since it obviously changes the angle of the shaft into one's hands, I was curious whether anyone found they prefer different length sticks depending on the lie.


1/2" shorter for me going from 5 to 5.5

Yikes! :o

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I'm putting an Ergo Grip into the Evolution tonight, which has a Drury curve, yet I'm used to the Modano. Since it obviously changes the angle of the shaft into one's hands, I was curious whether anyone found they prefer different length sticks depending on the lie.


1/2" shorter for me going from 5 to 5.5

I'm around the same, about a 1/2 inch per 0.5 of lie. But be careful to measure the comparative lengths from the heel to the top of the shaft and not with two sticks standing up side by side (the angle between the blade and shaft and length of the blade can throw things off this way). A stick with a lower lie may appear taller than one with a higher lie if they are standing up side by side, but this doesn't mean the shaft of the lower lie stick is longer.

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