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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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disappointing equipment?

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My Pro-stock Phillips C8 XN10

Lasted two practices and one game, ended up breaking on a slash at the end of its third ice time. So unimpressed when I played with it that I didn't even bother taking up my dad on his offer to buy me another one.

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Helium gloves.  The palms lasted all of 2 1/2 months...

I have to agree, although I love the feel it is a shame the palms wore out so fast, and I don't play all that often so I was surprised they were shot in less than a year.

Mine held up for 11 months and they were my primary glove for 10 of those months. I could still fix them if I really wanted but it's a good excuse to buy new ones.

I agree, on the excuse for new gloves, but I just expected them to last longer considering I only use them once a week. The nash part is fine it was the grippy leather on top that went, and once it started it went quickly.

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rbk 8k gloves: i find the palm wears out fast and gets crusty

bauer vapor XXX,XX:if you play alot of hockey buy two so one pairs for practice others for games

synergy SL's sticks:those sticks are garbage they break so easy

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Pro Stock P27 XN10. Was supposed to be Stiff flex, but it felt like a whip to me. I use a Stiff Redlite and love it. Anyways, the blade on the XN10 cracked in my second game. Broke a couple games later. I just pulled it out - hopefully the shaft will feel better with a replacement blade.

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I'm kind of surprised that no one has mentioned them but Vector pros. The top eyelets ripped completely through with in the first month, so I got a new pair through warrenty and the same thing happened after like two months. so I switched back to supreme 8000's and have been happy ever since.

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I'm kind of surprised that no one has mentioned them but Vector pros. The top eyelets ripped completely through with in the first month, so I got a new pair through warrenty and the same thing happened after like two months. so I switched back to supreme 8000's and have been happy ever since.

Tally another one for the 8000 fan club.

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What about Nike V-12s? After 2 months of use they're in worse shape than my 8090s that I used for a year. The skate feels flimsy and it's lost most of the stiffness.

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