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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Blade Question

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Is there or will there be a CCM Standard comp blade coming out ( or out already) besides the v110 blade? I am going back to two pieces and staying away from Easton for awhile.

I would like to go back to a nice closed curve instead of the Sakic / Lidstroms I've been using. I was thinking the Thornton as I used that for roller hockey a couple years ago but never tried it then for ice. Is the RBK Amonte a Thornton clone or a Yzerman / Gabby clone?

Anyone have any shaft suggestions I have a Zbubble grip shaft but like I said I want to stay away from Easton for awhile plus I don't like grip. Thanks guys.

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There´s a CCM V120 blade, too. I used one in a Z-bubble and it worked.....well until the shaft exploded but the blade was ok. I is a little stiffer than the V110 blades if you prefer that. I used the P10 pattern which I think is the european version of the Recchi. I usually play with deep mid curves so that one worked for me pretty well.

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Yes the 10 curve is a Recchi.

RBK Amonte is identical to the Thornton, aka 4 curve in Europe.

I would suggest Innovative blades, they are really nice and you can get the same blade for both Taper & standard shafts (just different tenons).

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What about the CCM V130? Is that tapered or standard. I haven't seen them anywhere, but I know they are supposed to be out there.

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I'm assuming the RBK and CCM blades are pretty much identical in form and function, no? I can't imagine they are tremendously different.

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I'm assuming the RBK and CCM blades are pretty much identical in form and function, no? I can't imagine they are tremendously different.

Very different

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Well obviously I have to ask the Million Dollar Question now...how so? I haven't had the chance to see a CCM 130 blade, but I've seen the RBK blades and they at least sound similiar, with their XX Stiff ratings, similar weights.

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Well obviously I have to ask the Million Dollar Question now...how so? I haven't had the chance to see a CCM 130 blade, but I've seen the RBK blades and they at least sound similiar, with their XX Stiff ratings, similar weights.

RBK blade = foam filled // CCM blade = solid (ABS like)

The CCM´s hosel is hollow whereas the RBK ´s hosel is filled with foam as well + the RBK blades are thicker.

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