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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Is it ok to do it everyday? If im soar, can I still do it? I mean im not soar when I move it, but when I push on my muscle (pec) it feels soar....What do you guys think?Will I eventually get over it or what?

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i do curls with a bar everyday ,even if it hurts and my arms are getting massive.

maybe try doing different hand positions everyday ,have you arms out wide one day so its more pecs and biceps and then the next day have them close together so its more tricep

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waiting is a good idea, but soreness doesnt necesarily mean that a muscle is being worked completley. Soreness comes from lactic acid buildup which can result from a lack of warm up and cool down or from overload. read this http://www.physsportsmed.com/issues/1999/01_99/muscle.htm

also if you can get to some free weights work some more excersizes in to your regimen. each lift works different muscle fibers.

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There's nothing wrong with doing pushups, but there are shortcomings.

1) You can't get full range of the pectoral muscle. To fully stretch the pectoral muscles, your hands need to stretch back to be roughly in line with your shoulders, but while doing a pushup your hands would not be able to stretch further than when your chest hits the floor. Conversely, to fully contract the pectoral muscles, your hands need to extend essentially out in front and to the middle of your chest. You should be able to see how a pushup probably allows 80%-85% of full motion.

2) You will quckly grow strong enough that you need to put in longer time. For instance, maybe now you can do 15 pushups, but a month from now you're doing 35, and two months from now your up to 75. If you had weights to use, you could increase the resistance and still do the same number of reps to challenge your body. Without a way to attain progressive resistance (ie, increased weight) you'd have to continually increase the reps to provide your body the stress necessary to grow.

3) (I must have been sleepy last night... :D ) Pushups are a compound movement, which means they involve more than one joint and, thus, more than one muscle group. The joints would be the shoulder, elbow and, to a lesser extent, the wrists, while the muscles would be your pectoral, anterior deltoid, triceps and maybe smaller auxiliary muscles. Generally, the smalles muscle will tire first, which means your triceps will give out prior to your pectorals being fully exhausted.

With machines or dumbbells it's possible to exercise the pectorals more directly, which is why I said that pushups are okay but have shortcomings.

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Push-ups are extremely beneficial, sometimes moreso than the bench press, dumbell press, and other pec/tri/bi/delt exercises. But, only when you incorporate balance into the equation.

Do push-ups with one hand on a step, or on a balance ball, or on one leg, you get the idea...

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