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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood SOP

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soo if i wanted to order thouse 950 long hosel tapered blades..could i send a curve sample and a side blade sample or does it have to be together

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Its great to get a dozen sticks with your name and your pattern.

Sure would be, too bad it'd cost me upwards of $500 USD...

Christian does them cheaper and only has 6 as a minimum. At full price on customs, ($28) it's only $168 for six sticks.

chadd does christian also do complete blackouts on the shaft with natural colour blades?

i dont think christian does natural blades, because thats what i ordered and they still made my sticks with the diamond weave thing on the blade..

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yeah, i did choose that, they also didnt give me the color i asked for.. and they took about 10 weeks.. and now i compare the curve with a retail sakic, i dont think they did the curve right either.

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yeah, i did choose that, they also didnt give me the color i asked for.. and they took about 10 weeks.. and now i compare the curve with a retail sakic, i dont think they did the curve right either.

Christian or Sher-Wood? Christian had some trouble in the last few months but the problems are fixed now from what i understand.

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the guy at the proshop said they had alot of orders from colleges.. and they didnt expect to have as many orders that had been placed.

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the guy at the proshop said they had alot of orders from colleges.. and they didnt expect to have as many orders that had been placed.

Last I heard they had worked out most of the issues. That said, I still have some orders that haven't been filled.

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well thats good, i was thinking about getting more christian customs,or some sherwood sops.. the christian sticks have been the best sticks ive used.. but if they were getting them out in two weeks like their website says, that would be great.

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well thats good, i was thinking about getting more christian customs,or some sherwood sops.. the christian sticks have been the best sticks ive used.. but if they were getting them out in two weeks like their website says, that would be great.

That's what mine took last Feb

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I saw some Sher-wood SOPS today at sportchek, I don't remember who's it was but they had like 6 of them,.. Sherwood SOP 7000. I didn't like it.

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i got my 9950 SOP last week (12 @ 50 bux a pop) ps i photoshopped out my name hahahah....

Low lie, heel-eske curve, semi-square toe.... i love it (you get used to the weight)










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Does anyone find that custom wood sticks look "cheaper" than their retail counterparts? I don't hate the looks of my stick, or the ones above, but aren't as visually appealing as the retail models.

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it could be that i just chose ass colors.... hahaha well white never looks at "un cheap" as natural, if it were natural color it would look the exact same, and barring looks, ive always found performance of custom to be superior to the retail

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My black Christians look cheap as well, and it seems alot of SOP/custom wood sticks, that aren't a natural colour with a clear wrap look like junk.

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i got my 9950 SOP last week (12 @ 50 bux a pop)

Nice looking sticks. Question : the 50 bucks p/ stick is that CDN or USD?

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