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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jim A

I told JR before he moved...

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I could only listen to the unintelligent sounding people, and the fact that the same few were used.

Big deal if someone wants to do this, if they can't take it, time to gain some maturity...

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there was a teacher in TX who is being thrown under the bus because she told a bunch of 1st graders that Santa wasn't real...granted its not really a teacher's job to break that bubble...but could you imagine the countersuit, she was canned for not lying...unreal...

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"i think its totally mean and bad and like it makes them look tacky" priceless....

LOL I love that lil blonde girl. You know shes going to grown up to be the BIGGGGGEST bitch.

"It's Rudolph, if you would have put up that fag reindeer prancer, I would have given him an ol' pat on the back" Gotta love the south.

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