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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Composite Eagle R-Blades?

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You guys don´t get them? I´ve seen them a couple of times over here but never paid much attention as I have only seen them as Sakic clones. Pattern is called SK1 I think. I´m sure there are others as well but I don´t know a shop that carries them, either.

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wow! they looks so cool!

really wanna try it. Anyone saw them in your LHS? How much are they?

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They have fashion statement written all over them, but i'd still get one if they had decent curves

they look just like the z-carb... how is that a fashion statement?

Plus notice the Easton logo in the background ;)

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They have fashion statement written all over them, but i'd still get one if they had decent curves

they look just like the z-carb... how is that a fashion statement?

Plus notice the Easton logo in the background ;)

That looks like an old box... I noticed it too, but I don't think it has anything to do with it.

Also, the weave on it doesn't look much like easton's z-carb.

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The blade looks sick, yet doesn't everything that eagle makes look sick.......... How's the durability and feel?

oh yeah..it´s great...especially since no one ever had the chance to use one....

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The blade looks sick, yet doesn't everything that eagle makes look sick.......... How's the durability and feel?

oh yeah..it´s great...especially since no one ever had the chance to use one....

My bust

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