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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Core Muscles?

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The core is the centre of your body. Think of your abs and stomach muscles and back. I also like to include upper legs and shoulders, but that's me - though I don't know if that's clinically correct (probably not).

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I'm no pro, but in sepetmber I began to focus on working out my 'core'. I foucsed on my obliques, abs, lower back, and hip flexors, and I found that after the 4 weeks I did this, my shots and passes became MUCH more powerful. It could be a freak circumstance, but I definately noticed a difference after working my 'core'.

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The core is the centre of your body. Think of your abs and stomach muscles and back. I also like to include upper legs and shoulders, but that's me - though I don't know if that's clinically correct (probably not).

That's about right. Most college and junior strength programs that I've seen focus on that area. Put bluntly by a meathead strength coach - "Anything between the nipples and the knees".

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i found it really helped out with my stability and balance on my skates. when i watch tv, i usually sit on one of those big exercise balls and try to balance myself out, while sucking in the stomach. works wonders.

but i also read in a book about core strength training, that good core strength should involve good posture.

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