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Who won the apprentice

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I was just wondering who won the apprentice last night? I don't watch the show but in my career and personal planning class we had to pick who we thought was going to win based on the 1st episode and I picked the black guy and I noticed he was still in the final 2. So I was just wondering if anyone knew if he won.

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i liked that guy ,i knew hed win

Why is it that people never say that before they find out who won? :D

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i liked that guy ,i knew hed win

Why is it that people never say that before they find out who won? :D

i would have but there was no thread on it :P

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i liked that guy ,i knew hed win

Why is it that people never say that before they find out who won? :D

i would have but there was no thread on it :P

With one click of a button you could of created a thread.

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i liked that guy ,i knew hed win

Why is it that people never say that before they find out who won? :D

i would have but there was no thread on it :P

Oh sure, if you want to use that old excuse.

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i liked that guy ,i knew hed win

Why is it that people never say that before they find out who won? :D

i would have but there was no thread on it :P

Oh sure, if you want to use that old excuse.

its fairly new for me lol

i just didnt think of starting a thread ,i never watched it really ,i saw like bits and pieces and randall was all mature and smart and stuff and yeah

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I caught one episode before last nights and must say I liked what he brought to the table. Great business sense, great people skills, assertive but not overly aggressive. Dude had it all. Hopefully its not a tv show and he truly continues on in the Trump business.

It sure would chap my ass if I got thrown under the bus like the Rebecca did though. He could have said to give her a position in the company or something of the like, but nope. Right under the bus

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