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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf 703 sizing

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Looking at buying a pr of Graf 703's (or maybe G3's) for myself---how does the sizing run compared to CCM/Bauer? I'm currently in a CCM Pro Custom 852 (7 EE). Would a 7 Wide work for me?


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How do the Bauer --> CCM Transitiosn work? I thought CCM's fit about a half size larger than Bauers which fit the same as Graf. I haven't been in either skate for about 6 years now, so this is all second handle knowledge on my part.

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How do the Bauer --> CCM Transitiosn work? I thought CCM's fit about a half size larger than Bauers which fit the same as Graf. I haven't been in either skate for about 6 years now, so this is all second handle knowledge on my part.

for me, CCM 9.5 fit close to Bauer 10. Both were very tight. I thought Bauer and Graf were very similar.

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Don't know if it will help you at all but here's what sizes I've worn in each of the three brands recently. Bauer 7000 (9.5E), Graf 703 (9.5R), CCM Pro Tack (9.5D). After breaking them in I could have gone with a 9 in the Tacks. Also even though I wore a regular width in both CCM and Graf I'd say the CCM's are a little wider.

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A CCM skate will definitely be wider than either a Graf or Bauer skate. If I where you I'd try the Graf 705 or G5 which is a deeper fitting boot than the 703/G3. You might get away with a wide but if your feet are really wide you might need to go up a half size. If you do this watch that the blade holder isnt the next size up because that will effect your manoeverability on the ice. The 705/G5 is more of a similar fit to the CCM skate than a Bauer skate would be.

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I've got 703's in a 6R as well as CCM 752's (circa mid '90's) in 6D.

Lengthwise, the CCM's are too long by about half a size.

The heel in the 703's is nice, but the heel in the CCM's are too narrow, however the opposite is true of the forefoot.

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