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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lie questions/endure

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I know bauer kinda is ify about their lies..... Is the p106 actually a 5 or is it higher? Is the p92 really a 6 or is it lower?

Also, whats the feel like on the endure/ endure blade

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I know bauer kinda is ify about their lies..... Is the p106 actually a 5 or is it higher? Is the p92 really a 6 or is it lower?

Also, whats the feel like on the endure/ endure blade

I believe that the feel on the Endures is comperable to first-gen Vapor XXs.

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i was just at cleves here, and they had an endure shaft in. was beautiful, only 129 cdn too, 87 flex. i was in heaven, except i just got a vector the day before! the shaft was light as a feather. probably one of the nicer shafts i've held. they also had a black sherwood shaft, possibly momentum i think, which had the same soft grip on innos and vapors. was nice too.

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i was just at cleves here, and they had an endure shaft in. was beautiful, only 129 cdn too, 87 flex. i was in heaven, except i just got a vector the day before! the shaft was light as a feather. probably one of the nicer shafts i've held. they also had a black sherwood shaft, possibly momentum i think, which had the same soft grip on innos and vapors. was nice too.

Lee, I remember that you live in Halifax am i correct? What cleves were you in that had these?

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i was just at cleves here, and they had an endure shaft in. was beautiful, only 129 cdn too, 87 flex. i was in heaven, except i just got a vector the day before! the shaft was light as a feather. probably one of the nicer shafts i've held. they also had a black sherwood shaft, possibly momentum i think, which had the same soft grip on innos and vapors. was nice too.

Lee, I remember that you live in Halifax am i correct? What cleves were you in that had these?

i'm home now, in the valley, so it was at the cleves here at home, not the one in the city. in the city, i've only been to the cleves on spring garden, as thats the closest place for me.

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so does anyone know whether the lie on the p92 is actually lower? how is it compared to a nash or rafalski? by the way..the team canada xxx lite from www.thehockeyshop.com is soooooo hot!

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I play with a p92 Endure RB blade in my XX shaft. It's just like the Sakic (curve wise), but the lie might be a tiny ounce higher, around 5.75 (definantly not a 6)

And the Endure shaft is 325g's (with stick'um grip, concave shape and nice balance) while the XX shaft is 290g's, none grip and very boxy. :rolleyes:

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