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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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AHL gear agreement

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Tonight I was at the Hartford/Bridgeport AHL game. I noticed however that Fedor Fedorov was using a dolomite, while everyone else was using a CCM. However, I also noticed that there were some synergies sitting in the bench. How does the agreement with the AHL work with sticks, and how long is this contract in the AHL for?

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Tonight I was at the Hartford/Bridgeport AHL game. I noticed however that Fedor Fedorov was using a dolomite, while everyone else was using a CCM. However, I also noticed that there were some synergies sitting in the bench. How does the agreement with the AHL work with sticks, and how long is this contract in the AHL for?

If they have an NHL Contract and play in the NHL every once in a while.I think they are allowed to use the stick of choice.

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Only teams not part of the agreement are Albany and Lowell.

Weird thing since they aren't part of the deal, but a good number of the Lowell guys still use Rbk sticks.

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I don't know if they have changed since then, but those were the two teams who initially did not agree to it.

I think it is still the same. Right off the bat there were a lot of guys in Lowell using Rbk during the initial year of the agreement when we all knew they weren't a part of the deal.

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