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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Kor Skates....

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Skated with a guy last night who up and down swore these are the greatest things on earth. He's always been a extremely good, agile skater but just about everyone on the bench thought he was making some insane turns (he left my ass twisting a couple of times <_< ). Anyone else skated in these? I'm not going to buy any as I love my Vector Pro's (that and I don't have a spare $500 laying around) but just looking for additional info such as comparitive weight, durability and so on.....

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There's a review in the reviews section here and a bunch of threads on them. The search tool here is limited to one word of 4 characters or more so searching "Kor" won't do anything. Try searching for "Shift1" or "Unimold" and you should get some results. There's also a good video at www.korhockey.com. After reading the threads, the review, looking at the website and video and trying them on I was pretty impressed myself. Haven't skated in them yet, but will be getting them soon. I'm currently in Vector Pros myself, but I'm getting some heel lift and the boots are starting to soften up a bit.

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Thanks mate.... Sorry for not searching better and I'll look that up. Surfed by the Kor site but it's hard to form any opinion when you're pimpin your own stuff...

I was a skeptic until I tried them.

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Im searching for stuff on them right now, and Im finding a little bit but I got a couple quick questions. If I wear 9 EE in bauer what size do I need in these, 9's? I noticed there only D width, why is that? How light are they compared to xxx's, and are lightspeeds easy to put on? I think its about time I tried these babys out and I want to order a pair asap. Is the process of molding the same as other skates, so my LHS can do it?

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I tried on the Vapor XX a while ago and found the 8EE fit best - for the Kors the 8D was too tight length wise, but the 8.5D felt good. I'd say from personal experience if you're properly sized for the Bauers in a 9EE then 9.5D would be the right size for you in the Kors, but you should try to try them on in person if you can. They're not a narrow skate like the Vapors - the Kor D is closer to a CCM D or Vapor EE. They seem about as light as my Vector Pro skates and actually felt more comfortable just walking around in them.

I don't think you should bother putting lightspeeds on them - the Mission Pitch holders allow you to chose between 3 different pitches and have received good comments on this board. If you don't like profile of the blades it should be cheaper and easier to have them reprofiled then to replace perfectly good holders.

The heat process is different from other skates and was outlined in one of the threads. Search for "unimold". It's different then other skates, but your LHS should be able to do it - a Graf/Mission style stove is recommended in the other thread.

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Im searching for stuff on them right now, and Im finding a little bit but I got a couple quick questions. If I wear 9 EE in bauer what size do I need in these, 9's? I noticed there only D width, why is that? How light are they compared to xxx's, and are lightspeeds easy to put on? I think its about time I tried these babys out and I want to order a pair asap. Is the process of molding the same as other skates, so my LHS can do it?

If the shop where you buy them doesn't have the correct baking instructions let me know. I will send you the instructions that Kor sent me. They have worked for every customer so far.

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Hey Chadd, if I wear 11d in Purefly and 10W sorta fit in Graf 703, what would I take in Kor?

In the shop it seems like half size down from Mission is right for most people. The remaining few are the same as Mission.

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Hmm... These might be good then as I sorta wish my missions were 1/4 size smaller. What is boot depth like vs mission?

A little deeper for the Kor

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Yeah, I will definitely do that beforehand once I decide it is time to get out of these skates. The way I see it, it just doesn't pay to order this skate over the mail when you need a proper fitting coupled with a baking process that is different from the norm when most pro shops don't get the standard ones right at all (and they absolutely rape you for baking in nyc if you don't buy in store).... If I had a good convection oven I may think differently, but I don't.

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Yeah, I will definitely do that beforehand once I decide it is time to get out of these skates. The way I see it, it just doesn't pay to order this skate over the mail when you need a proper fitting coupled with a baking process that is different from the norm when most pro shops don't get the standard ones right at all (and they absolutely rape you for baking in nyc if you don't buy in store).... If I had a good convection oven I may think differently, but I don't.

We're getting pretty good at tweaking Kors for people. The first few pair sometimes required a second baking but lately we're nailing it the first time.

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According to the unwritten ettiquette rules of MSH, posters are not supposed to turn this into a place where they can pedal their commercial efforts. With this in mind, Chadd can not likely give you that info....


Puckhog Hockey

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