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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rob Blake's Skates

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i wouldnt think too long think about shanahan and chelios how long they have been using those ccm skates and the vapor 10's are much newer than their skates. they really arent to rare a few players still rock the vapor 10s

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In fact, there are still MANY NHL players using these Vapor 10!! surprising that u didn't aware of that skates.

All their skates are custom made and is stocked up. Most hockey plaers are superstitous and don't like to change equipment if they are going well for them.

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I am currently waffling on getting a pair of unused original Vapor 10's. The price would be killer but I'm unsure if the heat fit would make them feel as awesome as the Graf 709's I tried on before them.

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I am currently waffling on getting a pair of unused original Vapor 10's. The price would be killer but I'm unsure if the heat fit would make them feel as awesome as the Graf 709's I tried on before them.

Unless they are about a EEEE vapor they aren't going to fit anything like a 709. Those things seemed to fit even more narrow than the current vapors. I could just be crazy though, it was a long time ago.

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I am currently waffling on getting a pair of unused original Vapor 10's.  The price would be killer but I'm unsure if the heat fit would make them feel as awesome as the Graf 709's I tried on before them.

Unless they are about a EEEE vapor they aren't going to fit anything like a 709. Those things seemed to fit even more narrow than the current vapors. I could just be crazy though, it was a long time ago.

i was liek atom when vapors came out and half my team got them and all said they were super narrow and the dads sai they were way too narrow for them so i dont think your crazy

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I am currently waffling on getting a pair of unused original Vapor 10's.  The price would be killer but I'm unsure if the heat fit would make them feel as awesome as the Graf 709's I tried on before them.

Unless they are about a EEEE vapor they aren't going to fit anything like a 709. Those things seemed to fit even more narrow than the current vapors. I could just be crazy though, it was a long time ago.

They were EEE's if I'm not mistaken but I'm leaning towards getting the 709's after the end of the season when I can talk my wife into them. (where's the smiley for fingers crossed?) By that point my Missions should be falling apart and be ready for new steel.

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there was no depth to the retail Vapor 10's...I had to put a pair in an over for 2 min just to get them on in an EE

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I have a pair of these and they're indestructible.... got mine off ebay from goalieheaven for $125 two+ years ago. 9D pro returns of Ken Daneyko. They ain't light but fit like a dream (on me anyway... narrow foot, high arch). I just recently got a pair of pro return Vector Pro's and while they weigh much (much) less they're no where near as well built as the Vapor 10's. Great thing is I still have the box and Daneyko's customer number so if I want the exact same skate from Bauer I can get it (or a different skate with same specs).... Of course they'll cost me some serious cash.

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