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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Can I lift weights with a concussion?

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Just wondering because i got a very mild concussion about a week ago...don't have any more headaches now but once in a while it will hurt a bit, but i don't want to stop lifting for much longer. I know i'm not supposed to run or anything, so I was wondering about this, anyone know/have experience?


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I wouldn't, when I've had them I tend to get lightheaded and that's not going to be something I'd want to happen when doing squats.

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true true...i'll have to lay off of it. I hate being off the ice.

i went three months and now i have a messed up collarbone and im done for the year its brutal

i had some post concussion syndrome thing though ,where if i got hit in the head hard enough after my concussion id get brain damage or die so yeah ,scary.

whoa what a bitchfest :o

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I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say your doctor would be a better person to talk to rather than some hockey players on a message board.

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I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say your doctor would be a better person to talk to rather than some hockey players on a message board.

But, his doctor may not have the answer he wants to hear, and hockey players on message boards may!! <_<

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I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say your doctor would be a better person to talk to rather than some hockey players on a message board.

But, his doctor may not have the answer he wants to hear, and hockey players on message boards may!! <_<

and the answer is yes,lol

like some said, go see your doctor about it, he'll tell you if you can or not.

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You guys have no idea how much of a pain my doc is to get ahold of. You call, leave a message to call back immediately and get a call back a week later at best. He's cool but man his staff sucks. And i need to get cleared by another doctor before i can play again, so i need to get into see him ASAP!

Heh, this is pretty funny but i had made an appointment with him about two weeks ago for this tuesday to get a wart removed from my knee so i guess i can do it all tomorrow :lol:

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