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Differences between D1 and D3

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PSU has had one of the top college club teams in the country for a while. It's too bad they will never make it an official school sport.

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PSU has had one of the top college club teams in the country for a while. It's too bad they will never make it an official school sport.

It seems like only a few Big 10 schools really understand how great the sport of hockey really is. It's a shame that more of them do not get behind the sport and put up D1 programs. Could you imagine the great rivalries there would be if all of the Big 10 teams had D1 hockey programs?

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Ive seen both levels and the biggest difference is the size. The speed is fairly close and d1 players are more talented but almost all d1 players are bigger than d3 players

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USA Hockey had a great article a year or two back about college kids who pass up D1 hockey scolarships and play club hockey at a school they would rather be at. Don't remember too much about it, but there are some very talented teams even in the ACHA. Now if only i could find the article....

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whoever said middebury can play umass and not get destroyed is a bad judge of college hockey.

Who the hell are you? Have you personally attended a Middlebury or UMass game this season? You have got to be out of your melon to say that the game wouldn't be a close one. Aforementioned, UMass would most likely win the game, but by no means would it be a blowout.

Though, I would have to say that Middlebury would take the cake if Quicky weren't in net...

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On a related note, on many college hockey threads, I always hear Middlebury mentioned. Is this like the mecca of college hockey or D3 hockey I take it?

It's one of the best if not the best in D3...

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