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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate fitting Help, Please.

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Ok, About 2 months ago I purchased a pair of Bauer 8090's 10 D Wide. when I tried them on in the store they felt awesome,had them baked and 24 hrs lator started skating on them. I noticed when I got 5 hrs on them my front of my foot started to kill; I would loosen the skate, tie them back up and I would be good to go. So I took them to JR and he widened them. Thought this would solve the problem(It did at first) next I noticed that my ankle was'nt staying put especially when skating backwards. Now I have about 20 hrs on them and my ankle has finally stayed put but now I have the issue of the horriable pain in the ball of my foot and the front sides of my foot. If I loosen them to take care of the pain - I lose agility and my ankles are'nt locked in. When I tighten them up snug I have the pain issue. So I would like some thoughts to this. I have used the search engine and nothing came up in previous posts--so I would really appreciate some advice. I called around today and found out that they make this skate in a EE witch I guess is really a 3E. My D skate is a 2E. But I really don't want to spend anymore money--but I might have to.....so any thoughts. <_<

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Ok, About 2 months ago I purchased a pair of Bauer 8090's 10 D Wide.

First of all 10D is standard width, not wide.

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Ok, About 2 months ago I purchased a pair of Bauer 8090's 10 D Wide.

First of all 10D is standard width, not wide.

NO no , the big thing with the Classic fit 8090's is the width, It says on my box( D wide) Ask JR---trust me! thats why I bought them--I know I am not a D width. My foot is to wide for Vapor 2E. They compare these to a 2 e.

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Sounds like it's not the right skate for you. Try using wax laces and backlacing them. You should be able to have different tension around your ankle and the front of your foot.

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Sounds like it's not the right skate for you. Try using wax laces and backlacing them. You should be able to have different tension around your ankle and the front of your foot.

Starting to think that, but I have wore bauers my hole life. I talked to a guy at bauer today and he told me you CANNOT tell if it is the right skate for you until you skate in them. Because when you skate in them and crossover; it puts preassure on the sides of your foot. if the skate fits he said you won't have this problem. But I really don't want to eat a 350.00 skate. but I am afraid you are right. Next will be ccm.

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There is no reason you can't mimic a crossover in the shop. I don't want to sell someone a skate unless they've worn them at least 20 minutes. I tell people to walk around, do crossovers, bend their knees, etc... in other words everything they can to see how they feel.

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You probably already know this but i'll say it anyway. Be sure to kick your foot back before you lace up your skate. If that doesn't help, you might consider getting the skates baked again. Most skates are designed so that they can be reheated a second time.

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Hurricane..... sucks going through this, money plus the frustration, I spent almost two hours trying on the 8090, V12's and the flexlite 12. I really liked the 8090, but after putting on and switching back & forth several times I ended up in the Flexlites. I was able to go a half size smaller in the Flexlites over the 8090's because of the toe box and forefoot width.

IMO the XXX, 8090 and the flexlite are all comparable skates JUST big diff on fit.

Narrow, Med, and wide.

I love my flexlites. Fantastic skate.... I don't think Nike is getting enough credit for this skate.

Best wishes & Good Luck!!!

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Hurricane..... sucks going through this, money plus the frustration, I spent almost two hours trying on the 8090, V12's and the flexlite 12. I really liked the 8090, but after putting on and switching back & forth several times I ended up in the Flexlites. I was able to go a half size smaller in the Flexlites over the 8090's because of the toe box and forefoot width.

IMO the XXX, 8090 and the flexlite are all comparable skates JUST big diff on fit.

Narrow, Med, and wide.

I love my flexlites. Fantastic skate.... I don't think Nike is getting enough credit for this skate.

Best wishes & Good Luck!!!

Nike is sizing like CCM, so they should be 1/2 size down from Bauer. So, that's why u can fit in a smaller Nike.

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Sounds like it's not the right skate for you. Try using wax laces and backlacing them. You should be able to have different tension around your ankle and the front of your foot.

what is backlacing?

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I go to a shop in Ft. Erie, Ont. and the owner there is the best I have ever been to with regards to fitting. If your feet are wide, a Bauer D will not fit. When you purchase a skate your toes should feather the toe cap after you slam your heel into the boot. He always fitted me with skates that felt way too short at the tip but always came to within the feather range after breakin. I would trust this guy, he never let me down and my skates always felt like a glove after breakin. Give him a call Doug Reid, Reid's Sports.

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I go to a shop in Ft. Erie, Ont. and the owner there is the best I have ever been to with regards to fitting. If your feet are wide, a Bauer D will not fit. When you purchase a skate your toes should feather the toe cap after you slam your heel into the boot. He always fitted me with skates that felt way too short at the tip but always came to within the feather range after breakin. I would trust this guy, he never let me down and my skates always felt like a glove after breakin. Give him a call Doug Reid, Reid's Sports.

I learned alot from you guys on this site and bauer corp this week. Thanks. Bauer faxed me info for custom skates so I traced my foot and filled out the paperwork and today I ordered my custom 8090 ( 9.5 3E ) they hooked me up on price because They had a pair of prostock custom laying around. bauer gave me a direct email and said to contact them directly because stock bauer skates are to narrow for my feet and when this pair starts to go to contact bauer and order some custom one90's. I feel real confident that this is going to work. so again thanks and look on the (sell) portion of this web site because I will be posting my old 8090's 10 D for sale aprox. 20 hrs.

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You hit the nail on the head there. Alot of people buy the wrong size skate. ie. Way to long, break them in and then there feet slide around in them. They call it unnecessary weight and sometimes it's worse than that because your foot never really stays put inside the boot causing lost motion or loss in stride.

This is probably the idea behind bauer's new fitting technology.

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I think it would be amazing how many guys/gals would find they could go 1/2 size shorter in lenght if they could find the proper width.

I just received my new Bauer 8090's via ups and for a second I freeked out! this skate did'nt seem any wider then my old 10 D's but the guy at bauer just explained to me foot placement. He said that foot placement is the most important part of skate sizing but nobody says anything when fitting. He explained to me that if you wear a skate that is to big in length your foot dosen't sit correctly on the bottom of the skate. So for example the wider part of my foot would be back to far on the size 10. and with the 9.5 my foot would fit exactly were bauer intended it to be. But with my situation my foot was still to wide for the bauer D.

but one complaint: bauer sent these skates with LS 2 holders and LS1steel so I had to change out the steel with my old 10, But I got instructions with the skates and bauer did tell me to switch out the steel because of profile and things like that.

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Um...I didn't fit you.

No. I bought the skates from your troy location, they fitted me there for my first pair of 8090. I delt directly with bauer on the second pair, they sent me a custom skate packet via internet/fax, I traced my foot and explained my problem to them and they told me that my old 8090's could'nt be stretched far enough. And that I am a little over a 2E. so if I want to stick with bauer that it is customs from here on out. They happened to have a pair of stretched 2E's laying around they sent them overnight and now I have a fitting guarntee----Because this is getting to exspensive $$$$$$$$$$. this started via the gear guru website on bauer.com

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Bauer sold you a skate directly?

That's what I'm under the impression of. I wonder if I could get mission to make me a skate like that... That would be awsome. The only other problem would be the arch... I have funny arches.

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Bauer sold you a skate directly?

YEP, but I think they used a wholesaler or store but they did'nt tell me nothing just took care of my problem and thats all I care about----good customer service.

OH, another thing I sent them all my bauer receipts for equipment that I purchased the last 2 months. and the vapor XX receipt and the receipt for my old 8090's= (((((((650.00))))) so they took this seriously!!! but when you get hold of the right corporate numbers via the internet you'll get a hold of the right people, but from here on out I will have to use JR.( This was like a one time favor---so they kept a customer.)

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Hurricane........ Merry Christmas & Happy Skating.

Nothing better than great fitting skates!!!

Thanks!! you to!

Tommorow I am getting these baby's baked. I got all next week off and I plan to skate every day so I can get these bad boys broken in for the mod squad game.

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