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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Eff Johnny Damon

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Ok, Mack, enlighten me with your pick of #1 SS in the AL East.

And if you say Tejada, I will officially lose all respect for you...baseball-wise.

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I'm sorry, but when you watch Jeter play night in and night out, you start to respect his skills as an ELITE shortstop. The things he does defensively, IMHO, are worth the "overhype". Watching other shortstops around the league, there are few today in his calibre that can perform the way he does on a consistent basis.
Last year I gotta say he wasn't coming through at all. It was all Sheff/ARod/Cano/Giambi

I'll second that. TEJADAAAAAAA.

Cano is going to be good. Giambi was huge in his abbreviated season...

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Jeter's the 2nd best SS in the AL East.

The best one is playing to his right.

That's who I thought Mack was gonna say. But it wouldn't be right, cuz ARod isn't playing SS.

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I am wondering how the Sox could get Mattingly out of retirement to play first base.

Now that would REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY hurt Yanks fans ;)

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