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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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baking mission 7500's

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i was instructed 185 for 5 minutes

no wheels

keep them loose when u put them in the oven

and tighten them on ur feet out not up

keep them on for 5 minutes while sitting down

then take them off and wait a day?

is this correct?

if not can u tell me wuts the exact way to do it?


just wanted to make sure cause u guys are pros at this stuff

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Justin from Mission has said that you should not bake them in your oven at home:

"Don't put your skates in your own ovens...It is not the same type of heat......."

However, if you want to do it at home - here's a link to instructions on ePuck.com:


If you can get to a store that has a SkateBake oven, here are instructions from Justin that he posted a month or 2 ago:

If baking is done correctly, then there is now harm done to the boot...The problem is alot people don't follow directions or told incorrectly.

1. Remove footbeds and make sure the skate is already laced

2. Put in oven for 7 minutes (5-6 is the oven is already hot)

3. Put foot beds back in

4. Unlace skate, so that you can easily get your foot in. You don't want to try and shove your foot in.

5. Tighten the laces. Make sure you pull out straight and not up. If you pull up, you can stretch the eyelets and cause the eyelets to come apart or break

6. Sit for 10 minutes. Do not kick your heel hard, but make sure your heel is in the pocket. Sit straight, don't flex your ankles or move your feet around. Imagine you have your feet in casts.

7. Stand up for 1 minute, but do not flex at all....Stand straight and don't move

8. Sit back down until boots have cooled (5-10 minutes more).

9. Unlace skates completely, so that your foot slides out with no effort

10. Let skates sit for 24-48 hours

11. Go skate

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i wouldnt bake them.. i remember justin saying something bout 24-48 hours after baking the skates maybe cause problems or void all refunds. it may cut it close.. im not sure what time you have practice.. give the customer service a call

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I have the 7500's they are really stiff, but not to the point they hurt your feet so bad you cant skate in them...After about 5-6 good skates they fit like a glove...I wouldnt bother baking them, just go skate in them...

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I disagree with #7.

I agree.

Standing was an old Mission suggestion when the bake oven first came out.

I have baked my own ice skates in my oven following those instructions, however, I did not do number 7.

Instead I kept my feet comfortably on the ground and occasionally would kick the heel on the ground to make sure I was getting a good heel/ankle mould with the heat.

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#7 is correct if people do the correct thing and not move, flex or anything...This helps form the bottom of the boot and the arch...I have heated thousands of skates and if people do it correctly, there is no problem...You actually get a better fit...

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I have the 7500's they are really stiff, but not to the point they hurt your feet so bad you cant skate in them...After about 5-6 good skates they fit like a glove...I wouldnt bother baking them, just go skate in them...

Speaking of stiffness, can anyone tell me how the 3500's compare in stiffness to the 7500's? I'm undecided on which to buy and stiffness is a big factor, not that I think stiffer is better.

thanks for any input.

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Definately DO NOT STAND AND FLEX. I ruined 2 skates doing that. I wouldn't even recommend standing at all. Just gives me a bad feeling. But if Justin says it's ok, then I guess...

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Have a pair of 10000's and my LHS has a skate oven + a CCM FIT machine

CCM FIT machine molds the boot around your foot using pressure through air bladders.

Justin: Have the mission skate bake instrutions you posted a while ago, what would you suggest? Should I use the FIT machine or just stick with the oven and instrutions?

Thx in Advance ;)

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I ended up using the instructions Justin posted when I baked my skates (9500) yesterday morning. I put them on today to see how it came out, and they fit perfect. I stood for one minute, i just made sure not to flex or move my feet. Good luck everyone!!!

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