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Toughest Jew ever to play hockey

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Why does it matter whether they're jewish, christian, muslim, atheist, black, white, red, yellow or green?

I assume you are Jewish and, for you, it's a source of pride to see other Jewish athletes do well. But doesn't it lead to exclusion when you want to see how well your group does against other groups?

I couldn't agree more. There is no difference, in my mind, between people being proud of being of a certain heritage and people being proud of *not* being of a certain heritage. People seem to think it is OK to be proud of being of some "races", but it is not OK to be proud of being of some other "race", which makes no sense at all. How would a Jew look upon people who said they were proud of being a gentile ?

Once it is OK to start talking about the toughest Jew to play hockey, it should be - if we are consistent - fair game to talk about the dirtiest Jewish hockey player, the ugliest Jew in Hollywood, the greediest Jew on Wall Street, or the sneakiest Jew in your class. But none of us would be OK with any of these, would we ?

Racial, ethnic, national and even team pride are all just manifestations of the same tribalistic instincts.

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Why does it matter whether they're jewish, christian, muslim, atheist, black, white, red, yellow or green?

I assume you are Jewish and, for you, it's a source of pride to see other Jewish athletes do well. But doesn't it lead to exclusion when you want to see how well your group does against other groups?

I couldn't agree more. There is no difference, in my mind, between people being proud of being of a certain heritage and people being proud of *not* being of a certain heritage. People seem to think it is OK to be proud of being of some "races", but it is not OK to be proud of being of some other "race", which makes no sense at all. How would a Jew look upon people who said they were proud of being a gentile ?

Once it is OK to start talking about the toughest Jew to play hockey, it should be - if we are consistent - fair game to talk about the dirtiest Jewish hockey player, the ugliest Jew in Hollywood, the greediest Jew on Wall Street, or the sneakiest Jew in your class. But none of us would be OK with any of these, would we ?

Racial, ethnic, national and even team pride are all just manifestations of the same tribalistic instincts.

Well that effectively killed this post.

But i agree- there shouldnt really be posts dedicated to certain minorities on the website - at the exclusion of others. Then where does it end.

Besides the fact that easy going conversations about race-- religion-- never stay that way and always end in controversial topics being raised.

Lets focus on hockey and forget the rest.


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A little off subject...

But did anyone ever see the Saturday Night Live episode when Chris Rock's character (Can't remember the skit, but Rock had a dashiki, fro, big painting of Africa behind him) gave the top 10 reasons why blacks don't play hockey?

I don't remember them all, but here's a few...

"The black man don't like losing his gold teef."

"The black man does not feel the need to dominate yet another sport."

"It would be a bad thing for a black man to be surrounded by 5 white guys waving hockey sticks."

And I def. remember the #1 reason..."It's cold out there!"

Hahaha, that was really funny. I wish I remembered them all.

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Why does it matter whether they're jewish, christian, muslim, atheist, black, white, red, yellow or green?

I assume you are Jewish and, for you, it's a source of pride to see other Jewish athletes do well. But doesn't it lead to exclusion when you want to see how well your group does against other groups?

I couldn't agree more. There is no difference, in my mind, between people being proud of being of a certain heritage and people being proud of *not* being of a certain heritage. People seem to think it is OK to be proud of being of some "races", but it is not OK to be proud of being of some other "race", which makes no sense at all. How would a Jew look upon people who said they were proud of being a gentile ?

Once it is OK to start talking about the toughest Jew to play hockey, it should be - if we are consistent - fair game to talk about the dirtiest Jewish hockey player, the ugliest Jew in Hollywood, the greediest Jew on Wall Street, or the sneakiest Jew in your class. But none of us would be OK with any of these, would we ?

Racial, ethnic, national and even team pride are all just manifestations of the same tribalistic instincts.

And here I thought this was supposed to be a light-hearted thread...

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