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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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PS2 Live

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Im going to get PS2 live, if thats what its even called...

I know what it is, but dont know if there are diff. types, lower costs, On all my game covers it says "uses ps2 live only with broadband" so if that narrows it down any. Just need some advice to what type to get, if there are types, thanks

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Its not PS2 live anyway, Im gonna get microsoft to sue you. Anyways I thought it was free but you have to buy the adapter only.

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You just plug it into a broadband connection (network adapter need if it is an older PS2). When you are online 99% of games are free to play online. NHL 06 requires a subscription but EPSN or someone can pay it if you want to get some ads or something.

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