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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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MSH Skate on Friday

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Looks like an awesome skate , I would make a huge effort to make it out to the next skate.

Even if it is in NY

But Ontario would be good.

Would love to see some of the US MSHers out to a CA skate

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Actually we did a bunch of t-shirts. The embroidered ones were for us "special" folks. And by special I mean short-bus.

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Actually we did a bunch of t-shirts. The embroidered ones were for us "special" folks. And by special I mean short-bus.

I do remember the t-shirts. Those Golf shirts look nice though.

Did the talk of MSH Jerseys ever go anywhere? Last I heard, you (or maybe JR) were waiting on quotes.

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And in the Philippines!

Way cooooool!!!

ha, half my family is from there. i'd be all about that skate!

Way cool!

Is the fam based in Manila? Does anybody play here?

Where are you from, 43%burnt?

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If you guys are planing a skate in Ontario, you should consider my college, it's an olimpic size ice pad and they only charge $89/ hour, non-prime or $150/prime time, It's in Kitchener ON, and right off of the 401

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And in the Philippines!

Way cooooool!!!

ha, half my family is from there. i'd be all about that skate!

Way cool!

Is the fam based in Manila? Does anybody play here?

Where are you from, 43%burnt?

my family (mom's side) is from san fernando. which is like any hour away from manila. i think the only rinks i know of are just public skating rinks in the mega malls there. i looked it up a long time ago and i remember something about a small team/league somewhere. they also travel to play teams in japan. lost the links, but i know its out there.

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And in the Philippines!

Way cooooool!!!

ha, half my family is from there. i'd be all about that skate!

Way cool!

Is the fam based in Manila? Does anybody play here?

Where are you from, 43%burnt?

my family (mom's side) is from san fernando. which is like any hour away from manila. i think the only rinks i know of are just public skating rinks in the mega malls there. i looked it up a long time ago and i remember something about a small team/league somewhere. they also travel to play teams in japan. lost the links, but i know its out there.

Hit me up when you fly in. I play on a team with some pretty good players. 1 an ex-German Elite league player. Megamall and Southmall are still the only ice rinks that are up, but an official sized ice rink is supposed to be put up in the Mall of Asia this February. Stay tuned for that.

I've been on some teams that have flown out to play in Hong Kong. There are other guys (both on my team and other teams) that fly out to play in hockey tournaments around Asia - Singapore, Thailand, Mongolia, Kuala Lumpur, etc.

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Hit me up when you fly in. I play on a team with some pretty good players. 1 an ex-German Elite league player. Megamall and Southmall are still the only ice rinks that are up, but an official sized ice rink is supposed to be put up in the Mall of Asia this February. Stay tuned for that.

I've been on some teams that have flown out to play in Hong Kong. There are other guys (both on my team and other teams) that fly out to play in hockey tournaments around Asia - Singapore, Thailand, Mongolia, Kuala Lumpur, etc.

right on, sounds like you've got a pretty good league going on. the southmall is the rink i remember seeing. it caught me off gaurd a little. because at the time it was like 100 degrees outside. i might be coming out there late this year or '07 (i go usually every couple years). that'd be awesome to skate in the philippines. i will totally give you a holla if i bring my gear. my name is james. word.

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