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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer XXX Team Canada

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the team canada sticks are warranty able just so you know the only reason why they say no warranty is because there a pro stock stick but if there bought through a first line dealer and its sent in with a receipt there warrantied because there stock patterns. so there is a warranty on them, just like the pro stock eastons that some stores sell those are warranty able

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I see there's an American version as well, they look pretty sweet too.


I also like these American Easton gloves in this photo...


And last but not least, what's this red/silver Bauer XX? I like those colors together like that, kinda like a reverse SL Grip.


In the last pic, the silver/red vapor XX is a custom color, all 06 vapor XX will be color customizable

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Not to high-jack the thread but is there a new Easton stick that is black and orange?? I think i saw one at a rink last week but im not sure....

It is Eastons new price point OPS. It is called the Synergy 350c.

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I got this stick, as a warrenty to my first vapor lite that broke after 6 ice times. This one seems to be holding up better (as i had it for 3 weeks, about 10 ice times and counting), also the grip on my vapor XXXlite's grip peeled, this one just seems to be losing deckels.

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