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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ogie Oglethorpe

Nike Skates: Flexlite, Quest, V-Series

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What's the difference in the Quest, V-series (are those quests?), and Flexlites? I presume they fit similarly, but for instance is one stiffer than another? Is one a higher end skate? One super lite? Etc. Not familiar enough with the Nike product, but keep getting told it might be the skate for me as I am looking for a toe box wider than my CCM d width without sacrificing (adding to) heel width.

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The flexlites are the '05 model, V series was the '04, pretty much the same fit, flexlites fit better if anything. I think the Quest are from a few years back, totally different fit.

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V-series are the predeccesors to the Flexlights, Flexlights are IMO considerably stiffer (10-12) than the V (10-12-PRO STK). And much much lighter. The flexlights are this "years" high end skate whereas the V series was a few years ago's best product.

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You ever skate in anything else to compare it to? Say, a CCM (maybe even the 1152 series) or Bauer Supreme?

To me they feel not quite as stiff as the 8090's, although I've worn 8090's for maybe 30 minutes.

I can say you'll probably really like these skates (flexlites) though. I moved to them from CCM's and find them to be extraordinarily comfortable. The quests and the other mid/lower range Nike's are quite narrow, but the Flexlites are wider.

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Flexlite 12 is not as stiff as 8090. But they are both very light.

I can press the side of Flexlite 12 but not on a 8090.

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Nike skates confuse the hieck out of me so I just avoid them. Too bad actually, but they could possibly be my dream skate but until they get some consistency I'll stick to the ones I know.

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