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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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odd computer problem

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im on my computer yada yada yada ,its running bad so i decide to restart. it comes up to the windows start page and now i have to register my windows 98............ weve never had to do that or anything with this computer and it wont let me do anything but give it a product code which i doubt we have casue windows 98 came with the computer. does anyone have a way of making my computer start? or even have a code for me to use?

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It could be a virus trying to make it look like you have to register your Windows product to get more personal info from you.

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ok ,totally new problem now. it doesnt ask for the code now(which i found!) it just goes tot he username password thing ,i do that and then it starts to load and then up pops up "internet explorer has performed an illigal operation" so i hit ok and then it just sits there and all you see is my desktop picture

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Buy Windows XP and do a clean install. There is no excuse to still be using 98, it is a horrible operating system by todays standards (and even 1998s standards)

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Actually, based on performance Win98 (albeit SE) far surpassed XP Home or Pro. For stability, WinXP is better. And for the typical user, I wouldn't trust them with anything else. It's like handing a firecracker to an infant I suppose. Only bad can become of it.

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2000 was probably my favorite windows platform. Then again, I was always a network admin guy and I like to be able to lock things down and keep things uniform.

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2000 was probably my favorite windows platform. Then again, I was always a network admin guy and I like to be able to lock things down and keep things uniform.

I liked 2000 pro ten times more than XP pro...

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