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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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European Online retailers

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Whilst I can locate loads of online retailers in the US, paying for the shipping and tax often rules out any benefits I get in terms of pricing over the uk market. So, I was wondering if anybody new of any competitive pricing european sites (preferably in in English)?

Thanks in advance.

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www.crazykennys.com<<<Only bought a few things but were all good(Nottingham)

www.puckstop.com<<<Great shop aswell as online(Sheffield)

www.icesportshop.co.uk<<<soon opening with hockey stuff (Nottingham)

www.prolineskates.com<<<Never bought anything from here(Wales~Maybe cardiff~)

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Whilst I can locate loads of online retailers in the US, paying for the shipping and tax often rules out any benefits I get in terms of pricing over the uk market.  So, I was wondering if anybody new of any competitive pricing european sites (preferably in in English)?

Thanks in advance.


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Whilst I can locate loads of online retailers in the US, paying for the shipping and tax often rules out any benefits I get in terms of pricing over the uk market.  So, I was wondering if anybody new of any competitive pricing european sites (preferably in in English)?

Thanks in advance.


It is a good website but it is just hockeymonkey.com. Still big prices for shipping ;)

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Yeah, it's kinda pointless. It's basiclly a skin for the hockeymonkey.com site. You still have to pay taxfees and huge shipping.




A few german sites, only european alternative (besides uk shops) to the american online stores.

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