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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Team USA Socks

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I know it's a little off the subject, but the idea behind the new tighter jerseys and socks isn't just aerodynamics. They are made partly with dri-fit, nylon, and spandex. They are lighter, breathe better, and dry while playing. They need to be tighter to accomplish these things. Just think of what a jersey or sock made of Under Armour material would be like. I think they are a great idea and a welcome advancement. Soooo tired of my jersey weighing 5 pounds from sweat when the game is over. Before they really go widespread however, I think they'll make them a little bigger fitting. The replica jerseys that are available from icejerseys.com, etc. are NOT the same as these. They are the old materials that just look like the new ones. The new "swift" jerseys cost nearly $300 a piece according to an article I read a while back. Here is a recent article about them:

Nike Swift Jerseys

I never have an problem will my jersey getting soaked with sweat. I just wear Under Armour under my pads and it works mine. Like Chadd said, you can make things breathable without making them tight. Under Armour, Nike and every other company out there have a line of loose fitting clothes that still breathe.

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They look like women out there in there tight jerseys and socks. Really funny actually.

Ben, if you actually pay attention to that picture, you will notice that it looks like a woman because it IS a woman...

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I know, I wear UA LooseGear shirts under my gear when I play. They help keep me cooler, but my jersey is still soaked. I guess I just skate harder than you guys. Hehe, just kidding. Also, at first I wore the tight fitting UA shirt, and it definitely worked better than the loose ones. However, it was too tight and restrictive. That's why I think they will adjust the fitting to somewhere between a traditional fit and the new one.

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I know, I wear UA LooseGear shirts under my gear when I play. They help keep me cooler, but my jersey is still soaked. I guess I just skate harder than you guys. Hehe, just kidding. Also, at first I wore the tight fitting UA shirt, and it definitely worked better than the loose ones. However, it was too tight and restrictive. That's why I think they will adjust the fitting to somewhere between a traditional fit and the new one.

try something other than UA and you'll see how well a loose shirt can work. ;)

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ok, what to you suggest then? Dri-fit? I am open to suggestions. Maybe I should start a new thread asking about it?

I used to love my WSI stuff but Greg gave me a sample of Puckskin and I'm really impressed. I'm a skeptic about most things but this really seems to work. I played a game in an AHL building, really warm, and then left the shirt in my bag all night and then played a game the next night and there was no smell at all. Then I left the shirt in my bag another 36 hours and then wore it ref and still no odor.

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ok, where can I get it and how much? It's good to hear it works well in a hot building. I live in florida, so it's always hot in the rink. Maybe that's why I sweat so much. ;)

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