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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vapor xxx vs graf series

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It depends on which Graf boot you buy. The 703 or G3 is a narrow fitting boot, similar to the fit of a vapor XXX.

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I concur the 703 of G3 would be a similar fit. And better yet a superior skate. The 705 or G5 is a deeper fitting skate made for slightly wider feet. Take my word you can't go wrong with Graf for quality and durability. Beat most others hands down.

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Thanks for all the info guys, i have one more question this has probably been covered but i want to know that if i wore an 11.5 d in a xxx would i still be wearing a 11.5 in graf ( and i know they have 3 different widths and id have to try on a skate to find out which width and size) but just a rough estimate would the sizing be fairly the same? thanks

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735/G35 is the old 704, which would be the closest to Vapor.

no the 735/g35 are deeper fitting boots compared to the 704. the reason the 704 was discontinued wa because they changed the appearance of the 703 to match the 704. if you put on a 704 and put on a 735 youll notice its deeper. but as to the question the 735 would fit relatively close as would the 703 just depends on how thick of a foot you have

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This thread is confusing me because I have a wide forefoot, thick feet, average heel, and the G3s fit amazingly well. Yet, you guys are saying the Vapor and G3s are a narrow fitting boot. How are my wide ass feet fitting so well in a narrow boot?

Also, I'm breaking back into ice again after a few years. I had a pair of unused size 9 Wide Nike skates that I found so I'm using them. Now to me, Nikes are a wider boot (in at least the forefoot) and these are a Wide, yet they KILL me feet.

Anyone care to explain how a narrow fitting boot fits so well, yet a wider boot kills me?

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What Nikes to you have? The older Nikes were narrow, closer to the fit of Bauer skates. If you have a a Quest or Ignite skate it would be narrower, not very wide at all.

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This thread is confusing me because I have a wide forefoot, thick feet, average heel, and the G3s fit amazingly well. Yet, you guys are saying the Vapor and G3s are a narrow fitting boot. How are my wide ass feet fitting so well in a narrow boot?

Also, I'm breaking back into ice again after a few years. I had a pair of unused size 9 Wide Nike skates that I found so I'm using them. Now to me, Nikes are a wider boot (in at least the forefoot) and these are a Wide, yet they KILL me feet.

Anyone care to explain how a narrow fitting boot fits so well, yet a wider boot kills me?

Either you G3s are a "W" (wide) or you don't have a wide foot.

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