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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Diffrent hollow on each skate

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I was in the shop the other day and a customer asked me to put a 1/2 on his left skate and a 5/8 on the other one. I was kinda surprised to hear this but I told the customer that he shoud stick with the same hollow on both skates. His question got me thinking, is there any other sharpner on the Mod that has had this request and also is there anyone out there that does this.

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Could have had an injury on one side and didn't want as much grip. You should have asked him why, inquiring minds want to know!

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Could have had an injury on one side and didn't want as much grip.  You should have asked him why, inquiring minds want to know!

The customer told me that it was because of his weaker side crossovers and turns.I told the customer that he should work on developing his weaker side on the same hollow(1/2) and then once you start to get to be a better skater then move down to 9/16 and so on.

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