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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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XN10 Pro OPS

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I was at the LHS , I found a bunch of Pro XN10 OPS , Marked down from 199.00 to 99.00 CND , they are different curves and some light grip. If anyone is interested in one, I could purchase one and send it to you where you are ?

It will take some trust on your part but we could work something out.

I have pics of some of the curves , and I would take a few more if interested.

Not trying to make any money , just helping my fellow players out

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Here are the 2 options

1: I will give you the number to the store, you can call them and pay with credit and let them know that I will pick it up and ship it to you with you paying shipping when you pick it up.

2: Wire me the money and I will purchase it and ship it for you.

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Hi again..

PT3 is Toe-Deep-Very Open-Lie 6- Round short type of blade. Other options is the ERAT pattern.

Please give me the number to the shop and i give them a call asap.

Also insert your e-mail and i give you a personal mail and discuss the shipping.


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