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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Crosby's pro curve?

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Like the flatter curve, but....

didn't help him in Montreal tonight. He tried to go around too many Habitants in OT and was picked off. What a one-timer by Souray.

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I know but better then starting another thread over again.

It would be if the post added anything to the discussion.

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seriously who cares. I don't get why people cry about threads that are revived. do you want me to start a thread that says "how short is crosby's stick and why does he have it so short?" is that why he got so many points? what are the advantages to a shorter stick? corsby is the best evar!11111

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seriously who cares. I don't get why people cry about threads that are revived. do you want me to start a thread that says "how short is crosby's stick and why does he have it so short?" is that why he got so many points? what are the advantages to a shorter stick? corsby is the best evar!11111

No, but there's also no point in reviving a topic to post something that doesn't add any value.

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