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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Good translation sites.

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Thanks guys...I tried both of those and I get the same translation as the Google version. I guess that the problems with context would come up no matter how you translate it. I got the jist of it though.

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ask a french guys....oh well i'm better shut my mouth before i do a mistake....

anyways i'm not gonna translate it to you because i ''suck too much''.... :rolleyes: whatever

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Blah blah blah, Julien said enough is enough he was pissed after the game, saying "enough is enough," and that his team should smarten up. Dagenais and Ribeiro we're benched int he best interests of the team and the issue would be dealt with today, wednesday. Dandenault likes Julien as a coach. Théodore said the Habs tried to play like the Pens instead of their game system.

Theres a brief translation from an englishman!

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i used to use them for my homework...so they dont work then???

It works better if you translated the words one by one but sometimes that takes to long.

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It's great, free and easy to use!

Unfortunaly the translation doesn't result in good french project marks for me. <_<

It will do the trick if just want to know the general meaning of something but it won't always use the proper verbs unforutunatly for me. :angry:

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