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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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LS2 Holders ?

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The holders themselves are very durable, LS and LS2. Stripping is caused by overtightening and or loose hardware. It's the hardware that causes problems. I recommend any bauer owner change hardware twice a yr as preventative maintenence, and check tightness monthly.

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The holders themselves are very durable, LS and LS2. Stripping is caused by overtightening and or loose hardware. It's the hardware that causes problems. I recommend any bauer owner change hardware twice a yr as preventative maintenence, and check tightness monthly.

Thanks Jimmy , so what should I do now that it is stripped ? You can see the bottom of the screw , the ball part is sticking out of the holder .

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And you're an eq mgr? LOL

Is the steel out of the holder? If yes, and the ball is exposed, remove it by unscrewing and holding the ball with needle-nose pliers.

If the ball is too far up, you can turn it sideways (be careful, you don't want to go nuts on this, b/c it will gouge the plastic in the holder), put the blade back in, then try to remove the bolt.

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And you're an eq mgr?  LOL

Is the steel out of the holder?  If yes, and the ball is exposed, remove it by unscrewing and holding the ball with needle-nose pliers.

If the ball is too far up, you can turn it sideways (be careful, you don't want to go nuts on this, b/c it will gouge the plastic in the holder), put the blade back in, then try to remove the bolt.


Never delt much with skate blades, doing this ? A buddie of mine was saying that the LS is a defective holder to start with.

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And you're an eq mgr?  LOL

Is the steel out of the holder?  If yes, and the ball is exposed, remove it by unscrewing and holding the ball with needle-nose pliers.

If the ball is too far up, you can turn it sideways (be careful, you don't want to go nuts on this, b/c it will gouge the plastic in the holder), put the blade back in, then try to remove the bolt.


Never delt much with skate blades, doing this ? A buddie of mine was saying that the LS is a defective holder to start with.

The LS is not defective. The steel hardware rusts real easy and causes slop in the tightness. You can do what JR suggested, or use a dremel and cut a small piece off the ball, then just punch it thru toward the inside of the holder, then shake it out and use new hardware. The LS is a good holder, Bauer just uses sucky steel hrdware which rusts, that's what cause s the problems.

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I'm very careful with not overtightening the heel screw, and to not have the ball spin out. When fully tightened, many of the LS feel loose at the front where the hook is. They will wobble and click no matter how well you tighten them. I'm waiting to see more blade replacements for LS2's to some in and see if this has been corrected.

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Is there difference in the steel and/or holders that makes it that much different than the Cobra's? I switched to LS2's, and the difference is amazing- cornering is easier, and they seem to glide and hold an edge better than the Cobra's. Is there any performance enhancing qualities behind this, or is it just PP?

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Is there difference in the steel and/or holders that makes it that much different than the Cobra's? I switched to LS2's, and the difference is amazing- cornering is easier, and they seem to glide and hold an edge better than the Cobra's. Is there any performance enhancing qualities behind this, or is it just PP?

I am going fom the ls2 to the cobra....so I'll let you Know :P

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