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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ccm vector v130t

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Pro shop was selling all there sticks they had i.e Sls Sts vectors and 7ks. I managed to pick up a v130 for 99.99. Because they didnt have the SL in 85 flex iginla. One thing I noticed is the blade doesnt seem as durable as the eastons. Anyone have problems with this stick? I figured a 160.00 stick for 99.99 why not take it. I just dont want this sucker to snap on me in like 2 practices.

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Personally I think CCM Vectors are way more durable than Eastons...I have had 110's and I have 2 120's I use right now and they have all lasted a good while....Dont get me wrong my synergys last awhile too but the CCMs seem to be way more durable in the long run.

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I have a couple.. you sure they're the 130T and not the 130C? I thought the 130T was pro stock.. at least mine are. Anyway, I love stick but unfortunately had no choice in the pattern and just could never get used to it (D-15). I had no problems with one and on the other the top part of the blade just going into the shaft broke off after 3 games but I think it was kind of a freak thing. It was about a 2 inch piece but the rest of the blade hung in there and never completely broke. There's no way I could justify paying for one but that's just an average beer league player with connections talking....

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Use one that I made into a tapered shaft, love the grip, shots are decent, however that snap that my tapered 1100 gives is just not there. To me its the perfect backup shaft. Mine is the T prostock Roy xx-stiff

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ya man T (traditional) is more of a Square type shaft for bigger hands or for someone who likes a bigger more square shaft and C(contoured) is a rounder shaft made for someone with smaller hands or someone who likes a softer feel and a small diameter shaft

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If my blade ever happens to break, where is the EXACT spot I can cut it off to make a perfect tapered shaft. Thats one thing I like about ccm vs easton is ccm doesnt have foam from 6 inches up the shaft to the blade.

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True, but i heard that the foam is easily removable by pushing it out with something long. Not sure, but i think someone said that you might have to dremel some of the material on the inside of the shaft to put a blade in. I think someone said that u had to dremel it because its un even inside. not sure tho.

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Due to the long taper of the V130's cutting the 130 to fit a perfect tapered shaft really shortens the shaft. I can't tell you the exact spot, but I did it once and ended up with what seemed about half a shaft. The V130 shaft is awesome if you're in the shaft/blade market.

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If my blade ever happens to break, where is the EXACT spot I can cut it off to make a perfect tapered shaft. Thats one thing I like about ccm vs easton is ccm doesnt have foam from 6 inches up the shaft to the blade.

I'm not sure about the 130, but recall that some said they had problems re-using the shaft (at least, the tapered part of the shaft - you could always flip it) of the 110 & 120 OPS because they are vacuum formed and the interior walls of the shaft are irregular (thinner in some areas than others, bumpy, etc).

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