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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Is there a retail curve that fits this bill?

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I have been a Modano/ clone user for a long time. The other day I used my buddy's Kovalchuk/ Drury during warm-ups. I can't shoot with the damn thing at all, but I noticed that passes stuck to the blade like crazy. I am talking NO bounce whatsoever. So my question is; is there a blade that is Modo-ish in loft, but more heel/ wedge to get that nice stick when catching passes. I guess I am looking for the blade to have a larger sweet spot than the Drury (which has none as far as I am concerned). Thanks in advance.

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was the comparison done on 2 sticks of the same kind?

could the issue have been the different kind of stick vs the curve?

may be the tps tucker, less loft than the drury

or inno mogilny

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was the comparison done on 2 sticks of the same kind?

could the issue have been the different kind of stick vs the curve?

I guess I don't understand the question(s).

What type of stick was the Drury curved one, and is it different than the normal Modano curved stick that you use? That may be the difference in the passes sticking to the blade, not the curve.

That's what he's trying to say.

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was the comparison done on 2 sticks of the same kind?

could the issue have been the different kind of stick vs the curve?

I guess I don't understand the question(s).

What type of stick was the Drury curved one, and is it different than the normal Modano curved stick that you use? That may be the difference in the passes sticking to the blade, not the curve.

That's what he's trying to say.

Both Bauer Vapor XXXs. His was a Kovalchuk and mine a Hossa.

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If you don't find anything, you could always go custom, if you're willing to get a lot of blades/woodies.

Kind of a catch 22. I need to find what I need before I buy 12 of them :(

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I'm looking for the opposite combo. I love stick handling and passing with Modano clones, but much prefer shooting with a Drury clone. Anyone know of a blade that has similar curve and depth as the Modano, but a little more open loft like the Drury?

Wickedwrister - I agree with thejackal: try a Jokinen (p106). It might fit your bill.

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was the comparison done on 2 sticks of the same kind?

could the issue have been the different kind of stick vs the curve?

I guess I don't understand the question(s).

You might have understood the questions by now, but just in case...

I think he's asking if the two sticks you used were the same brand. As we all know, different sticks give different feels. So I'm leaning towards that Golfpuck might assume the difference may not be in your blade curves, but in the actual make up of the blade itself.

Like some people prefer TPS feels over Easton, etc.

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was the comparison done on 2 sticks of the same kind?

could the issue have been the different kind of stick vs the curve?

I guess I don't understand the question(s).

You might have understood the questions by now, but just in case...

I think he's asking if the two sticks you used were the same brand. As we all know, different sticks give different feels. So I'm leaning towards that Golfpuck might assume the difference may not be in your blade curves, but in the actual make up of the blade itself.

Like some people prefer TPS feels over Easton, etc.

Yup, as stated; both Vapor XXXs.

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I'm looking for the opposite combo. I love stick handling and passing with Modano clones, but much prefer shooting with a Drury clone. Anyone know of a blade that has similar curve and depth as the Modano, but a little more open loft like the Drury?

Wickedwrister - I agree with thejackal: try a Jokinen (p106). It might fit your bill.

You could try a Sakic. Pass off the heel to get the Modano like flatness and shoot more off the toe to take advantage of the loft.

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Grab a wood blade, and try to make what you want.

Yeah, do that and take a good picture of it. Post the pic, and I'm sure someone on here can point you in the right direction

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I would recommend a Roenick pro like Easy said, but if you cant find that, the CCM Allison is pretty much an RP. Yes it is an old pattern but stores may be blowing out stick with that pattern, atleast my LHS was.

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Possible, but they've changed it quite a bit if thats the case. The Allison I have has barely any curve and a suttle loft. The Lecavalier is a friggin' shovel ala Lidstrom. So in all essence the Allison is nothing like the Lecavalier.

Edit: Mack got it. Sundin-Kaberle-Lecavalier. I dont think the Allison exists anymore, under any name.

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I didn't see the Allison, but the changes from Sundin - Kaberle - Lecavalier altered the curve a bit. I'd compare it to an older Leetch and a newer Lidstrom.

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Not to steal the thread but what curve would be like a modano except slightly more open with a square or round toe?? I love my modano exept for wrist shots and i love my lidstrom for everything exept puckhandling so i was wondering if there is a combination of the two.

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I'm looking for the opposite combo.  I love stick handling and passing with Modano clones, but much prefer shooting with a Drury clone.  Anyone know of a blade that has similar curve and depth as the Modano, but a little more open loft like the Drury?

Wickedwrister - I agree with thejackal: try a Jokinen (p106). It might fit your bill.

You could try a Sakic. Pass off the heel to get the Modano like flatness and shoot more off the toe to take advantage of the loft.

Thanks for all the help. I don't need the loft. I can roof it w/ the Modo even up close. I am interested in the wedge-ness of it that caught passes so well. A Drury type wedge with little to no loft (I think) :unsure:

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