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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I went out to see "Just Friends" on friday! Funnyest movie i have seen in ages! Has some hockey scenes in it also! One of them will make u laugh till u cry!  :lol:

Gr8 Movie! (Keep in mind i am from the UK and its just come out over here) <_<

That movie was shot in my city, the rinks are from here aswell.

What city is that?

Regina, Saskatchewan.

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Well i know this movie wont be ideal for everyone but "Brokeback Mountain" seems to be getting gr8 reviews everwhere. But i doubt thats the kinda movie any of us big bad hockey players wanna go and see! :ph34r:

I don't understand why people are making such a big deal about "Brokeback Mountain." I've always thought cowboys were gay. :)

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"Munich" is an excellent film. However, if you're younger than 25 and don't like true-life dramas you may not enjoy it.

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I want to see it and was going to see it with my mom and sister when they were here, but my mom decided to find a new level of right-wing when she didn't want to see it because she heard it sympathised with terrorists. I'll check it out on DVD at least.

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I want to see it and was going to see it with my mom and sister when they were here, but my mom decided to find a new level of right-wing when she didn't want to see it because she heard it sympathised with terrorists. I'll check it out on DVD at least.

Tell her it doesn't sympathize with the Palestinians whatsoever. If anything, it shows how absurd terrorism (and the subsequent retaliation) is as a whole.

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I was pretty dissapointed with Munich. I don't know why Spielberg thought he had to make out an ultra elite Mossad hit squad to be a bumbling bunch of sensitive idiots, but to each his own..

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I was pretty dissapointed with Munich. I don't know why Spielberg thought he had to make out an ultra elite Mossad hit squad to be a bumbling bunch of sensitive idiots, but to each his own..

Spielberg didn't invent any of this....It was based on a book called "Vengeance" co-written by the leader of the group, "Avner."


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