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patches on pants

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i was looking at Northern Sports (fixitbymail) and they have a listing there as Patches ($2.00 and up). If I wanted to send it my pants for sewing on patches or whatever it is they do, does anyone know how long it would take for someone in Canada to send the pants there and get the pants back in the mail?

Are there any alternatives for this? Also the patches have an 'iron-on backing', im not so sure what that EXACTLY is.

Any help would be appreciated.

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i was looking at Northern Sports (fixitbymail) and they have a listing there as Patches ($2.00 and up). If I wanted to send it my pants for sewing on patches or whatever it is they do, does anyone know how long it would take for someone in Canada to send the pants there and get the pants back in the mail?

Are there any alternatives for this? Also the patches have an 'iron-on backing', im not so sure what that EXACTLY is.

Any help would be appreciated.

I'm pretty sure that means you can iron the damn patch on yourself. You might as well get a hold of a patch and learn to use the iron.

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I have some Canucks pro pants and the logo was ironed on (it has now peeled off). The same goes for the NHL logo (starting to peel off). If you could get them sewn on that would probably be better.

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We used to have those kind of sponsor patches in my final year of junior. It´s basically some kind of heat glue on the backside of those patches that makes them stick before they are finally sewn...I think it´s to avoide them peeling off if a seam is torn or maybe just to prevent it from looking "bubbly" if you know what I mean. Edit: The glue alone won´t keep them on long. They need to be sewn on in addition.

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hmm.. any reccomendations? I can't exactly push the needle thru my tacklas.. I picked up that NHL Patch on eBay and I ordered a Flyers pant patch cause I gave up hope on finding any Canucks..

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Um, what they mean by patches is when they sew material onto the pant to cover up holes.

That's what I originally thought...why not just take your pants to a local seamstress shop? I'm sure they can just sew it on for you, or better yet, hit up good ol' mom. :lol:

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If you have nylon pants you risk the nylon fraying anyway if you sew it. I'd buy two patches, iron one of the damned patch on (low heat setting so you don't melt the pant) and see how it goes. If it doesn't stay for a long period, you can try sewing it on.

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If you have nylon pants you risk the nylon fraying anyway if you sew it. I'd buy two patches, iron one of the damned patch on (low heat setting so you don't melt the pant) and see how it goes. If it doesn't stay for a long period, you can try sewing it on.

i'm probably gonna do that

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hmm.. any reccomendations? I can't exactly push the needle thru my tacklas.. I picked up that NHL Patch on eBay and I ordered a Flyers pant patch cause I gave up hope on finding any Canucks..

from my understanding, the flyers don't have their logo on their pants.

Someone was trying to sell me game used pro Flyers pants, but I didn't see the Flyers logo on the front so I passed on them. The guy said that all the Flyers pants do not have the team logo and that if I didn't believe him to take a look at any picture of Flyer players. I did watch for a few pictures of Flyer players and indeed there was no logo...........odd.

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