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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Haha....some guy crashes a Habs practice

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I was wondering if this was someone from Modsquad hockey!

At the Canucks practice facility they have a little gate they close that would prevent you from going to the sides of the ice surface.

Oh well!

that didn't stop me from reaching the sides of the ice one time!

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I wonder what would've happened if he was good. Obviously he would've got caught, etc, etc, but would it have taken them a bit longer to notice? I know the Leafs sell authentic practice jerseys. Go out there with a yellow (injured) skate around a bit not looking like an ass and maybe somethinks your a family friend or a crappy call-up? This guy was terrible, so he was easy to spot.

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That was risky for Theo to poke it like that. With the Habs injury curse the last 5 years or so, I wouldn't have been surprised if the guy accidentally kicked Theodore in the head, causing a major concussion. :rolleyes:

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I think the guy had real mental problems that is why he was released by the cops saying that they coudn't do anything about it. Verdun isn't a private rink like the Bell Center is, anyone can go there. When a media talked to the guy, he said he was called to go there and that it was is destiny to be there. He also said that after a couple of practises he would be able to play on a regular basis with the Habs.

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I think the guy had real mental problems that is why he was released by the cops saying that they coudn't do anything about it. Verdun isn't a private rink like the Bell Center is, anyone can go there. When a media talked to the guy, he said he was called to go there and that it was is destiny to be there. He also said that after a couple of practises he would be able to play on a regular basis with the Habs.

seriously, not him, but I think that everyone knows someone that if he had a chance to practice with those guys and be like in the american league, he could do what Bonk does with maybe a skill like fighting IMO...

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you gotta love the caption on the cnn site...

"An amateur hockey player crashed the Montreal Canadiens' practice, wanting to show he was good enough for the pros. He wasn't (January 10)"


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That was risky for Theo to poke it like that. With the Habs injury curse the last 5 years or so, I wouldn't have been surprised if the guy accidentally kicked Theodore in the head, causing a major concussion. :blink:

then he would of been in deep S**t

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He actually has decent speed haha... great clip, would probaly shit my pants when surrounded by those guy's, but would have been cool if he had scored...

The way Theo has played this season I'm suprised he didn't

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