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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy or XN10

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Hi guys..

I hope some of you has used both Synergy and XN10 one piece sticks.

If you think of durability and feel for the puck witch of those sticks would you prefer??

I'm looking for buying some of the Brendl XN10 or Sakic synergys .


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My XN10s have been very durable as was my Synergy. Both the XN10s and Synergys I've used have been pro stock and the XN10 was better in every aspect.

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Guest phillyfan

The chances I was able to use an XN10, I would prefer it over a regular Synergy. My problem was finding a Sakic Clone in a TPS Pattern, Pro-stock or Retail patterns. Closest retail pattern for TPS to the Sakic is a Nash, and there are some differences that screwed with my shooting at first.

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I've only used pro-stock XN10s but the only stick I'd put above it is the Stealth. The only knock I have against them--if it even is one--is they're both too much on the light side for me.

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Both are very good sticks. I would take the xn10 over the synergy though. I like the lighter stick, and the concave shaft feels nice. But its all PP, I would try to use one of your friends for a practice or something.

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lollll 8-0 for the XN10...too bad synergy!!!!! it funny....everybody is picking up the XN10

i have 2 problem with tps....1:curve selection(the baddest)

2:feeling of the puck.....it was very strange the feeling of the puck(it were like if the puck is 5 pound and the stick 1 pound...i were incappableof controling the puck)

but this is was with my response but from waht a read...tps correct this problem :P

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Unless you like the Drury or Shanny, there's a TPS curve that's pretty close to each Easton curve.

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