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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Local Rink Catches Fire

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Bummer…My leagues rink caught fire this weekend and will be shut down for a while. Luckily a few of my raging alcoholic teammates were still in the parking lot when it started (2am) and called the fire department (no, they didn’t start it). Otherwise the place probably would have been completely wiped out.

Here is a link to the local news story (video feed sucks & only works with internet explorer)


And here are a couple of pictures from inside. Check out what it did to the Plexiglas.



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I feel bad for the kids & the HS players. It's hard to find open ice at a reasonable time around here. That's a lot of time off for them. I'm not sure what they'll do.

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thats terrible

do u have any other rinks to play at?

i dont know what i would do if i was hockey-less for a month

Hockey seems to be the only thing keeping me going at the moment. If my rink burnt down or i couldnt play for whatever reason i would go PsyCho. :blink:

Sorry to hear it was an ice rink that burnt down and not a football/soccer pitch! :P

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I feel bad for the kids & the HS players. It's hard to find open ice at a reasonable time around here. That's a lot of time off for them. I'm not sure what they'll do.

They'll just squeeze the high school and kids leagues in and push the adult leagues back.

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a shop in a local rink caught on fire a few years back, and i was the only one who got the joke about the black synergys!! It seems that it was vandals as it had been done before! Also rip to those who were caught in the ice rink in germany that collapsed recently.

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