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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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deep, narrow skates

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I know I work in a shop, but I can fit anyone but myself as no one has alien feet like I do. I'm currently in d width XXX's and my ankle/top of my foot is litterally busting out of the skate, causing UNREAL lacebite. 8090s on the other hand are too wide for my actual foot, but have enough ankle depth. Anyone have any suggestions for me? G9? G5? 9k? BLAH.

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I know I work in a shop, but I can fit anyone but myself as no one has alien feet like I do. I'm currently in d width XXX's and my ankle/top of my foot is litterally busting out of the skate, causing UNREAL lacebite. 8090s on the other hand are too wide for my actual foot, but have enough ankle depth. Anyone have any suggestions for me? G9? G5? 9k? BLAH.

A "C-width" RBK (8K), 9K....

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